What works for you? How do you get what's in your head out?
Are you a Apple or Windows person? Anybody old school and using a typewriter?
I don't really know the answer why, but I have a collection of fine point ink pens scattered throughout the house. I use them to jot down notes or write short passages when I'm either away from my PC or don't feel like firing up Word just to record the brief ideas filtering from by brain. Thank goodness none of the pens are over four dollars and I usually get them from drug stores or whichever office supply place is closer.
I've been a Windows man ever since we came out of the dark DOS age. I look at the occasional screen freeze or slowness of operation as sort of a life metaphor. From time to time you're going to have some ups and downs. Just go with the flow and clean out the junk that's weighing heavily on you.
I must admit, damn you Steve Jobs, that I do long for one of those 27-inch screen, fully loaded iMac desktop computers. As soon as I can gather enough funds to overthrow a third world country, I'm diving in!
Finding the right time to be creative and get the juices flowing has been tricky. Sure, I could do my best John McEnroe and scream at my six-year old when he wants something. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! CAN'T YOU GET YOUR OWN DAMN SNACKS BY NOW! DON'T YOU SEE DADDY'S BUSY WRITING A BESTSELLER!" Of course, I'd spend the rest of the evening dealing with all the crying and guilt feelings.
I find that early evening works best for me in terms of being creative. The kids are busy in the their own world and my wife is getting her True Blood updates or scouring the internet looking for discounted Christian Louboutin shoes. As if they're ever going to be that magic 59.99 price which would make me say, "Go ahead, get crazy. Buy three pair honey."
I'd write after the kids went to bed if I didn't have to get up just past 3AM to get ready for the job that actually pays me. Where's my "major deal" signing announcement in Publishers Marketplace!

Ah, there's always the weekend. A pot of coffee and a fresh start.